Only one in five women with bladder control problems will seek help for the condition, on average waiting 6.5 years to do so. Many women also experience a negative impact on their intimate health, due to changing hormone levels during menopause.

Why wait so long before seeking treatment?
Because feminine health is not openly talked about, this needs to change. For this reason, we have developed a new piece of content, “Vaginal Health - The Most Frequently Asked Questions” which you can use in your practice to create awareness, get the conversation going and maybe even start treatments with CO2RE Intima.

CO2RE Intima At-a-Glance
Loss of vaginal tone can be a side effect of natural childbirth and aging. Over time, the vaginal wall, which contains collagen fibers, can stretch and lose tissue tone and elasticity. Women may experience unwanted pigmentary changes in the vulvar area as well. With CO2RE Intima, you can now offer your clients an alternative for a variety of gynaecological procedures without medication or surgery to:

  • Relieve signs of childbirth and aging, such as vaginal looseness and urinary incontinence
  • Restore vaginal tone, flexibility and shape
  • Treat dryness, itching and pain
  • Treat dyschromia and skin pigmentation


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